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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'm at work again right now. Wishing I were at home w/ my baby and my husband and sort of even kind of missing my dog too. I'm kind of bummed out. I really do enjoy my job, I'm one of the few people I know that actually like's their job. The journey that these babies go on and we get to see it right before our very eyes is so cool to me. But this time at night when I'm beyond exhausted I just want to leave and go home. Watch Jake sleep for a while and crawl in bed with my husband. But knowing I get to do that tomorrow night helps make the night go a little better. Jake can now roll from his back to his belly and belly to his back. He's trying every day to sit up and getting stronger and stronger. His tooth is coming it feels like he's been teething forever, we can finally see white. Speaking of teething, my wisdom teeth keep pushing there way through and now I'm in a nice constant dull pain and can not open my mouth all that wide as well as my ear hurts. I wish I had a vacation coming up. I have to work this weekend even though it is with some of my favorite people I feel like I miss out on a lot. With my husband and son up and awake and me sleeping. Many of you working mom's out there did you or do you feel like you just suck? I feel that way a lot. I try putting Jake in his saucer to play and swing or on the floor w/ his videos and then at night time I feel like I spent no quality time w/ him. I need to start reading to him again so I feel like I'm already putting him behind. I don't know maybe it's just being a new mom and trying to figure out how to balance everything out but some days I feel like I suck at this.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally Something!

Hello, it's been a long time! I did do some stuff, granted not a whole lot. Now that I know about the pictures and stuff here at work I may be able to keep up a little better. With work being so slow right now! I know some of the songs on my playlist don't work, and I hope it's free i'm getting kind of nervous now that it may not be!